Grace Through the Fire

Episode 39: How To Make It Through Tough Times

β€’ Marissa Lewis β€’ Episode 39

Kia Ora Beauty!

In this journey through tough times, remember to stay resilient and grounded. Acknowledge your emotions while maintaining control over your actions. Seek support from loved ones or a therapist to gain perspective and strength.

Break overwhelming tasks into manageable steps, focusing on what you can control. Prioritize self-care and maintain optimism, knowing that challenges foster growth.

This coming June 27 at 12 pm, we invite you to join our Free Rise and Thrive Masterclass - Mastering Resilience, Strategy, Launching, and Money Mindset.

Learn invaluable skills to navigate challenges with confidence and thrive in any situation.

Don't miss this opportunity to empower yourself and connect with a community dedicated to growth and success.

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Nga mihi,