Grace Through the Fire

Episode 17: If you’re up against someone else’s “you can’t” there are three things you can do to shift the situation.

Marissa Lewis Episode 17

In this episode,  we tackle a challenge we've all faced at some point: the doubters, the naysayers, and those who insist "You can't." When you're on a path to personal and professional growth, these voices can be particularly discouraging. But fear not! Host Marissa Lewis is here to share three empowering strategies to shift the situation and prove the skeptics wrong.

Join Marissa Lewis in this empowering episode, and let's debunk the myth that 'You can't.' It's time to shift the situation, reclaim your power, and prove that you are capable of achieving remarkable things. Tune in, and let's turn doubt into your greatest motivator! 🎧🔥

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